Friday, December 04, 2009

Thumbs down.

Things that are annoying me today:

Coffee dates canceled due to inclement weather.

Babies in the hospital.... moms have enough to worry about without their precious kidlets getting sick.

People who are in love with their own intellects and take every opportunity to show you how they are smarter than the rest of us plebes.

People who think children are creepy. CREEPY? I can take annoying, noisy, messy or any other more suitable adjective, but creepy?? I think people who think children are creepy are actually the ones who are creepy.

People who move somewhere and then only incessantly talk about how it everything was better where they were.... including the snow storms. Is it a little obvious to suggest you should have stayed there then? I mean you may have had "better" snowstorms back home, but well here... we have jobs.

Living two minutes away from work... which is usually a great thing, but not very good for providing an excuse that the road conditions are preventing me from making it in for my shift.

People who disparage religion at every turn as though God had something to do with the manipulations of man to turn his very existence into an excuse to behave badly and those that contort his word to suit their own whims and desires.

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