Thursday, July 23, 2009

Luke 18:8

This blog was never intended to be religious or preachy, so my apologies to anyone if that's how it feels.

The thing is, the things in my life that used to be so important.... boy drama, life plans, all of that single stuff, is pretty much gone these days and has been replaced by much thought about what is really important to me now that the big stuff is settled.

It probably doesn't make for as interesting reading... so for that I apologize, but I'm not going to fake drama just to please all you gossip-whores out there.

In anycase, what is on my mind (heavily) these days is this:

I really wonder, as Jesus did, if he will find any faith on the earth when he returns.

I used to think that was such a ridiculous question. Of course there would be a faithful band still worshiping the way they ought, believing without question the precepts of God's word and striving for salvation at any cost.

Now, I am witness to so many around me making terribly consequential choices, falling away without thought for their future and turning their backs on the only sure thing this world has to offer.

It's disheartening and upsetting. I am so heartbroken and miserable about something I have no power to change.

Except, I just realized even as the words were materializing on screen, that that is not quite true.

I can PRAY.

And I will.

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